Last weekend Carson and I were just hanging out on a Sunday and decided we wanted to do something for Valentines day. We searched alllll night for a hotel room. Apparently everyone wanted to do something too... its like people love each other or something... We couldn't find anything! We looked at going everywhere from San Diego to Lake Tahoe.. to Yellowstone. Nothing.
We looked for 2 days straight just fishing for something. We FINALLY decided on going to Vegas on Wednesday! The forecast was set to be 80 degrees. I was sold.
We ended up staying at the Desert Paradise Resort. HELLO. We felt like a king and queen for the weekend. We had a whole apartment suite to ourselves and we took full advantage of it.
We left friday morning and spent the night just exploring Vegas.

^^ The Bellagio fountains are always a favorite. I think we watched it 10 different times by the end of the weekend.
I had all the plans in the world to be the BEST wife ever and make my honey a delicious valentines breakfast. We had a massive kitchen in our room and I was prepared. I bought/premade everything to make delicious crepes. BUT the excitement to get there took over before we left aaaaand I left it ALL at home... so we had yummy yogurt bowls instead!
We spent the rest of our Love Day at the pool. I was in HEAVEN... until after when I was so burned I looked like I walked out of HELL. uhum... just sporting some Valentines red i decided.
The rest of our night was spent eating at the Cheesecake Factory at Caesar's Palace.
Caught a show at the V theater: The Variety Show. We laughed until we cried. so recommended.
getting cheesecake to go and spent the rest of the night spending our first Valentines together as a married couple. candles and martinellis galore obviously.
On our way home we stopped at our favorite place. I just love the St. George Temple.
It was the best little getaway I have ever had. THE best hotel. THE best weather. THE best holiday. and THE best company.
I look forward to so many more Valentines with my favorite human.