After moving from Provo... quitting our jobs... job jobs... switching more new jobs...starting nursing school...apartment hunting... finally moving to Layton.... and sleeping on an air mattress until furniture arrived. It was a rough few months. There were a lot of restless nights and mental breakdowns BUT we are finally starting to see some "normal" through the chaos and settling into new life north of Salt Lake.
Carson has been such a sweetheart working full-time Tuesday-Saturday so that I can focus on school. I use to have clinical all day Monday which left Sunday being our only day to really spend time together.... which came with it's advantages and disadvantages. Now that I don't have clinical our new fun day is Monday's! yaaasssss.
This past Monday we decided we would take a mini road trip to the Salt Flats since neither of us had been there.
After 2 disgusting hamburgers from Burger King (yikes)
A wife rolling around the backseat desperately trying to fold down the seats to get to the treats in the trunk
Jamming to waaaayyy too many boy band songs
Soaking wet shoes/clothes that became stiff from the salt
Laughing our heads off at how unphotogenic we really are. (1 good picture=200 bad ones)
Paying double the price for Taco Bell at a truck stop.
(we have a fast food problem...)
and arriving home in time to see the most beautiful sunset
The road trip was complete.
I am in love with the pictures that we got and can't stop look at them.
(that doesn't narcissist at all...)