road trip
a "B" summer
Since I started this blog towards the end of summer, I wanted to get the chance to document all the summering happenings that happened in the "B" household before we started the blog.
This summer was crazy. but it was crazy fun! Planning a wedding is crazy. but oh-so-worth it. And the recovery time after a wedding… lets just say I think you should be aloud to go on 2 honeymoons for what it's worth!
I'll let the pictures do the talking…(excuse the bad quality iPhone photos) and excuse me while i just reminisce and wish that it was still summer break instead of sitting with an anatomy AND physiology book in my lap. yay for bodies….
Here's the highlights.
^^ We skyped with our missionaries on mother's day. 2 of them to be exact. double the missionaries + one big family= chaos in the best of way!
^^ I did my endowments at the draper temple.
^^ we got MARRIED! May 16, 2014 and if you missed my recap on our wedding/honeymoon see HERE, HERE, and HERE
^^ little big brother graduated from High School and went through the temple 2 days later. tell him to stop growing up. ok?
^^we took some road trips and spent lots of time in the car
^^ we arched in Moab. I had never even BEEN to moab before. I've lived in Utah my whole life, I'm a little ashamed.
^^we had our share of rodeos.
^^ we sent little brother off on a mission to Indianapolis Indiana
^^ we biked our little hearts out. Even the night before 4th of july when all of provo was out.
^^ Carson surprised me with Stadium of Fire tickets for the 4th. I may or may not have screamed when he gave them to me! I {heart
^^ we boated with family and friends
^^ we went to bear lake with Caylen & Lexi and explored Bloomington Lake and the Minnetonka Cave.

^^ We camped.
^^We hiked around Utah/Salt Lake Valley AND Zions.
^^ we welcomed a new niece into the family. Baby Danica
^^ We biked some more and explored new things along the way.
^^ we went to the train concert in SLC and danced the night away.
^^played in the Murray High School alumni soocer game.
^^ and ended the summer with the semi-annual cabin trip
It was an eventful summer, especially for my family with a daughter getting married and a son leaving on a mission a month later. But we made it through and now i'm wishing it would have never ended.
3 months being married and all this happened?!
I'm excited to see what else the near future hold for us then!