Carson & Shandi
Christmas 2014: Our First Christmas
Our Christmas this year was definitely one to remember. It's crazy to think that just 1 year ago we got engaged (on the 23rd). Life has been one crazy year but i wouldn't have had it any other way!
On Christmas Eve we spent the night eating/visiting family, and also took a little trip to the Salem Pond lights.
After Carson and I came back to our house and decorated a Gingerbread House under the tree.
I have a tradition from when i was little of opening pajamas on Christmas Eve and watching the 24 hr marathon of Christmas Story on TV…
can you ever watch Christmas Story too many times? the answer is no. definitely not.
It has always been one of my favorite traditions and I knew I wanted to carry it on when I had a family of my own. (the little family that we are right now). So we ripped open our pajamas and snuggled up watching Ralphie shoot his eye out. ;)
On Christmas morning we woke up to SNOW!! the first real snow storm of the season! I was like a little kid and was running around the Loft with so much excitement! Carson on the other hand had to be woken up a few times before he finally wanted to get out of bed! lil stinker.. how do you sleep on CHRISTMAS!
Santa sure spoiled up this year.
We got a GoPro (eek!!)
a fitbit
ski tickets
work out clothes
nike shoes
fifa soccer for the wii
just to name a few things he brought us. ;)
After we headed to my parents house for more gifts and Christmas dinner. My favorite part of the day. Prime rib and all the fixings for me please!
ELDER SCHOENEMAN also called home! it really was so exciting to talk to my brother who is serving an LDS mission in Indiana. Someone needs to tell him to stop growing up! I think he is more mature than me now! ;)

We then made the trek to Carson's family to visit and also skyped with his brother who is serving in Mexico City. Missionaries really are such JOY!
Christmas 2014 you were good to us. Can you believe it's almost 2015?!?! yikes!!
let the New Years Resolutions begin!!! (maybe I should come up with some first!)