
Valentine's Day with Presidents 2016

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This year for Valentine's day we kept it pretty low key. We just booked a flight for a pretty exciting trip coming up, and so we considered that our Valentine's presents this year. 

Since Valentine's Day was on Sunday this year we decided to celebrate all weekend long.... ok maybe we only celebrated all weekend long because Carson worked on Saturday. Mo' Money Mo' Problems. 
I woke up on Saturday morning to an empty house with just me, myself, and I. 

And also this cute little surprise waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. Carson woke up early before work and went shopping at 6am.... socute. He always knows how to make me feel special. Also, please notice the 2 bottles of juice. I am going a year without soda so instead of Martinelli's he got the very delicious passion fruit juice. 

When he got home we exchanged gifts... and when I say gifts I mean chocolate boxes, and went to dinner. We spent the rest of the night playing mario kart and drinking our juice in fancy wine glasses. We are 5 yrs old. 

On Sunday I woke up to Carson making delicious crepes for breakfast. He is just scoring points by the second isn't he? I actually had the plan to be a good wife and wake up to make breakfast before church but.... I woke up and wasn't feeling too good with a sore throat and headache.... Remember HERE when I was a bad wife last year too.... at least we got the crepes going this year. So far this year I am 3/3 for being sick on holidays/days off of school. Go me! It's like my body knows I have a weekend off and then says oh hey.... maybe it's because of my caffeine withdrawals... mmm.... probably not.
 thx 2016. Lets shoot for St. Patricks Day too....

Monday was President's Day so we decided to go to Antelope Island. Neither of us had ever been there and since we only live 20 minutes from it now we HAD to go.... It was so pretty exploring the island (making it sound like we are exotic travelers) and even found some buffalo to stalk (Carson). Can we also talk about the SUN?! goodbye winter... hopefully! 

Well it has been a while since we updated (and I know you are all just wondering what we have been up to lately I know, I know...) so maybe an update post is due sometime soon. k bye. 

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