
Life Lately

This post has no reimer reason other than for photo dumping of some of my favorite photos of our life lately. This blog has become our little space of a journal, so thanks for letting me get these off my chest. 

We took Scout on her first family adventure this past memorial day. We decided the only "hike" she was big enough for was Bridal Veil Falls. It was great being back in the Happy Valley for an afternoon even if we did get stopped every 5 seconds so people could say hello to Scout... We have never been popular than by becoming dog owners.

Carson had the opportunity of baptizing his littlest brother. Yes can you believe he is my brother-in- law?? They looked so cute all dressed up in their whites, and was one of the best baptisms we have ever been to. This kid was SO excited to get baptized! 

My childhood best friend got married this past month, and I had the opportunity to be one of her bridesmaids. It was the craziest wedding but it turned out to be one of the most special. Rain or shine it was a beautiful day and I am so very happy for Jessica & Jake. 

I couldn't stop laughing when I looked over to see puppy playing in the bucket while I washed the car. Bubble mustache and all. Can you even stand the cuteness?

Or this cuteness??

We love living so close to a park. 

Carson has been studying LOTS lately so I've been joining him at the library every night so we can have some time together.  
I have also started running again. I forgot how much I love running. I go to the gym on a regular basis, but nothing beats some fresh air and plopping on the grass after because you're so out of shape.

Scout hot rods. We're working on that... 

And that's been the last month of our life. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying this summer so far! 

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