
Randoms on a Thursday

The fall semester is in full swing and when I say full swing,  I mean it's swinging in like the dang wrecking ball… poor miley.

I have seen Carson for a total of maybe 4 hours all week. We have new loves in our life and that would be cadaver #1 and cadaver #2. Dang anatomy classes. I have been elbows deep in muscles. origins. insertions. more origins. and to make it all rougher a little bit of muscle action. Carson… well I couldn't tell you but I believe it could be the brain? but that's all beside the point. 

All this studying/class/work, I didn't even realize that it was October until today. ok I'm only a day behind. 


I LOVE October! not for the usual pumpkin plastered on/in everything reason like every other person (but pumpkin is oh so good i will admit). 
I love october because it's not only My Birthday. BUT it's also Carson's birthday on MONDAY, my mom's birthday 2 days before mine. AND my younger brother's birthday in the middle of the month. 
It's a celebration all month long. and I guess to top it all off Halloween is at then end of it all! 

It is also General Conference. which you can watch here on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 
It will be a birthday weekend (since monday we will both be working/class/studying) and General Conference in our little loft. I couldn't be more excited! 

And mostly this blog post is to kill time from a study break I am taking. 
It's only 11:30am and I have already been to class. learned the whole arm muscles. and logged into work. hooray for productive days! only 10 more hours until I get to see Carson. 

And here are some random things to kill time during your study breaks just like they did for me. 

THIS video. umm random but amazing. 

Day dreaming about making this yummy looking Soup: HERE

^^ This cute quote design that I somehow want to incorporate in the loft.


THIS Video. WATCH IT. but take my advice and don't watch it in the school library. it's a tear jerker. 

Was this post random enough for you? Good things will be coming in the near future I promise. I'm so excited for all the things I have in store for Husband's birthday this weekend! 

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