
{A Weekend in Zion}

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14719173/?claim=phtbkquw79z">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>This past weekend we had the chance to drop everything and head to St. George to visit family.
We had fun visiting, hiking in Zion's Canyon, and boating until we were all fried to a crisp. 

It was dad and brothers first time to Zion's and it was so fun getting to show them around! 

After 41/2 hours of hiking we had been rained on, sweated until we didn't have any more sweat left, 
(I think I lost 10 pounds of pure water)
and did as much asian watching as we could handle. (is it just me or is the best part of being tourist watching the asians? oops…)

But don't worry i fit right in with them. Double cameras helllllllo. 

I think Zion's Canyon really is heaven on earth.

ow ow look at that stud...

ow ow look at that guy….

When Carson and I had first started dating We are talking 2 weeks official
I went on a family vacation to Zion's with his family. obviously we were quick movers.;)

It was crazy to think we had just been there a year ago dating. And now we are Married. 
I think we're onto a new tradition. 

After a day of hiking we can't forget about the ol' wholesome family juice pong tournament. Who knew my dad was so good at pong.. umm… what? 

Next to heaven on earth there is a Sand Hollow Lake at a close 2nd.
We wakeboarded. tubed. and tanned (burned) our little hearts out. 

excuse the hair going up my nose…

This weekend makes it really hard to get back into reality and makes me realize school starts in 3 Weeks. yiiiiiiikes. excuse me while I go and fit in everything summer in the next 20 days.  

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  1. Shandi your blog is so cute!! so are you guys.

    1. Aw thanks morgan!! we're just trying to be as cute as you guys!!! ;)

